Sunday, July 10, 2011

School's Out! School's Out! Teacher Let the Monkeys Out!

And Momma took the Monkeys to the Zoo! 

What a great trip!  The weather was perfect...not too hot, not too cold.  Not too sunny, not too cloudy.  The perfect combination for some happy humans and happy animals, mostly...on both parts. 
Waiting for the dolphin show to start.

Sydney (in the pink) touching an elephant.

Hannah has loved giraffes since she was a toddler and has quite the collection.  She loved seeing this "little" one.

The new tiger exhibit is pretty amazing!  You are so close. 

The baby (on the right) was about 3 to 4 months old and very entertaining for all of us to watch. 

As we were leaving the zoo, a caterer walked past us and gave the girls pieces of cake.  Yum!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Flintstone 500

The last week of school, the 1st through 3rd grade students can participate in The Flintstone 500.  The kids design a "car" out of a cardboard box and participate in races against their classmates.  Both Hannah and Sydney really enjoyed designing and creating their car this year.  They also both won their first heats and were able to run in the semi-final race.  What fun! 

Sydney smoking the competition! 
Hannah in action!

Upon arriving at the track, I found Hannah sitting with her classmates.  (Note: boy, boy, boy, boy, Hannah, boy, boy, boy.)